What's On My Mind...

Saturday, March 21, 2010
The last few weeks have been intriguing. I've realized, in myself, patterns I thought were long broken. I see things now that have been fear-based that, for a time, I thought were logic grounded... and I'm ready and willing to change. I opened up Marianne Williamson's "Enchanted Love" to a random page and a prayer popped up. I'm going to hold onto this prayer for the next week or so. It fits in perfectly with the next CHOOSE YOU course I'll be teaching:

"Dear God, I don't wish to be a child anymore. I don't wish to be held back anymore. I don't wish to waste my life. Deliver me to new realms, repair me where I am broken, and ready my heart for everything. Thank you, God. Amen."
- Marianne Williamson, Enchanted Love

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Don't Wait to Get Sick to CHOOSE YOU!

I find that so many of my clients run themselves ragged before deciding that they need a break. Burnt out is never a good time. Even as a coach, I take times, like today, to recouperate and rejuvenate. I feel a cold coming on and instead of pushing myself to the max, instead of forcing myself to be everything for everyone, I'm taking Wednesday through Friday off to meditate, recouperate, and get recentered. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN has this right. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN has this responsibility, not only to him/herself but to his/her family. It's time we decide that it's time to choose us. It should not take a sickness, serious disease, or tragic life event to put is in a place of recognizing that we need our own time and space to rejuvenate. Your time is precious. Be sure, today, that you are making time for you!

Kassandra Vaughn, the ROI Coach

Stop waiting! Start becoming! CHOOSE YOU!